A look back at the February journey

In February, we fulfilled a promise to a strong single mother of three teenage boys. And it felt so good to be able to follow through on our word finally. Nena Gonzales had been so patient and understanding, waiting for over a year after having had the scheduled house build for her canceled due to the start of Covid-19. Before covid, we had pledged to build a home for Nena and her three sons. She had done a lot of work securing a piece of land on a hillside and prepping that land. We are incredibly grateful to everyone involved in helping fulfill this promise and bless this deserving mother with a home for her family.

This particular build was one of our Join a Journey projects and was open to everyone who wanted to participate. We had people from all over, different ages, and families on this house build. In total, 25 of us journeyed down to Baja, California, together. We had a great time team building, making friends, going out to eat, and creating lasting memories together. The community-building opportunities are non-stop as the group stays together in dormitories provided by our partners at Door of Faith Orphanage (DOFO). You can view their website and learn about what DOFO is doing to provide hope for orphans in Baja. We can help provide necessities and support to DOFO because of the donations we receive from our community.

A key part of every Journey is where we get to know and enjoy the beauty and culture that Baja, California offers. We ended the trip by taking the group to one of our favorite places to end our Journeys together, Tahona Baja. The group enjoyed taking in the sights, incredible cuisine and drinks, and conversations at Tahona together. This is a must-visit location in Valle De Guadalupe. We recommend viewing their Instagram account to get to know Tahona Baja better. You won’t regret it.

A big thank you to our partners, sponsors, and the incredible group of individuals who decided to join this Journey and make it all possible. We could not have done this without all of your effort and generosity. We are grateful to be taking this journey together in helping people.




Refugee Camp Trip - October 10th